Supporting you to create a vibrant life that is medicine to your mind, body and soul...

Are you suffering from health or emotional issues? Are you feeling defeated, exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed in an age of information overload and never-ending treatments, protocols, tests, appointments, supplements, diets, and detoxes?
Are you ready to hear that health and wellbeing doesn’t need to be this complicated and that once you understand the biological truth of how your body works - that you can just drop all the heavy complexity and micromanaging of your body’s expression and instead make simple consistent aligned action to support your body to do what it already knows exactly how to do and finally allow yourself to be exactly where you’re supposed to be?
Are you ready to stop fighting against the current of Divine wisdom and
realize it’s taking you exactly where you actually want to go?
“When you realize this is the source of your identity - that you are a stardust luminous being forged in the crucible of cosmic fire. A being that has become self-aware because the Universe wanted to become self-aware through your nervous system – then that is the highest form of gratitude.” ~ Deepak Chopra
All the cosmic intelligence is within you, as you are a fractal of the Whole of that infinite wisdom. Your body does not getting things wrong - it only responds accordingly to its environment. You are not broken – all that is missing is the awareness of how to navigate what you are experiencing and you are here now because you are ready to reconnect with the wisdom and power within you.

Welcome to the medicine of Unity Consciousness...
You are now entering a whole new paradigm...

The body’s environment is perceived through the filter of the psyche which will either signal safety or danger to the cells of the body and they will act accordingly with meaningful tissue adaptations to help us survive any perceived threat.
Some threats are genuine such as being chased by a wild animal, however due to the nature of our evolved thinking minds we can perceive a nasty in-law as a dangerous lion, even in our late night ruminations where we play out an intense and shocking confrontation with this person over and over in our heads! The body stays in fight-or-flight with cells literally proliferating in the lungs to fortify them as our body perceives this death fright conflict which could require extra oxygen to cope with.
Once we the cells receive the message then from the psyche that the threat is over, the body works symbiotically with bacteria and yeast to perform a clean-up of all the cells no longer needed and we experience this as symptoms and rather than realizing it’s all a meaningful process with defined phases, we label it illness and try to treat it. But what if we could just understand the adaptation and healing process and support it by strengthening our physical bodies with nature and nourishing connections and purpose?
What if we could re-wire our minds to no longer perceive work emails or traffic jams as an existential threat? What if we could realize that as creative expressions of Source in a mental cosmos manifested through the vibration of thought and imagination - that belief work is the key to shifting our entire reality? What if we could see that we hold the key to the conscious co-creation of our reality? What if we could realize that we could have anything that we feel safe enough to receive? And that we can re-wire our mind and nervous system to feel safe?
What if we realized that our wellbeing has much less to do with being on the perfect diet, or the best array of supplements, or finding the fastest and most effective way to reduce pain and inflammation, or micromanaging our gut bacteria in the hopes that we happen to find the exact right balance between these 500 different strains – and much more to do with aligning to our authentic true self as well as to Mother Nature’s simple laws? What if it was about stripping away all that we are not, and discovering freedom in sacred simplicity?
We are all made of stardust. All organic matter containing carbon was produced originally in stars. Our bodies are made from the ‘elements of life’ – from giant stellar explosions which threw large clouds of dust and gas out into interstellar space. Minerals are sometimes called the ‘sparkplugs’ of the body. They are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves. As it turns out – every process in our body is reliant on having these elements in the correct balance to run smoothly, but this can never be done in isolation through supplementation and manipulating and lying to the body.
What throws these minerals out of balance is prolonged stress and modern lifestyle which interferes with our Oneness with nature. Both of these issues originate from the egoic illusion of separation, but if we can learn how to observe and identify our thoughts, beliefs and patterns then we can begin to break out of this habitual programmed loops that we perform, and instead live from an authentic and conscious intentional state of being where we can create a nourishing life and environment that supports the natural innate wisdom and healing abilities of our body, so that we can get on with enjoying this rare and precious and fleeting human life that we have been gifted.
It should be simple, however there are a number of challenges that get
in the way for most people to be able to do this:
They don’t know how. Both the conventional and natural alternative health worlds play from the same handbook of illusions and deceptions and conflicting information overload. So most people are in an endless cycle of following the misleading premise that there is something to treat and fix and micromanage - and simply don’t know there is an alternative.
Once people are aware of some of the key lifestyle changes they need to make in order to get the results they are after, which includes ample time for rest, nature, movement, stillness, relationships and purpose, they will say: “Well that’s wonderful in theory….but I’ve got bills to pay…I can’t just leave the office to align to nature!”

But what I am here to offer you are two stunning solutions to those dilemmas:
I am currently creating a paradigm shifting transformational online wellbeing course called ‘Re-emerge’ which will not only guide you through the breaking down of all the illusions and distortions, and bring life-altering awareness to the 100% scientifically backed truth about the laws of biology which govern the body, and a full journey to resolve the inner conflicts which are manifesting in chronic or reoccurring symptoms, as well as learning how to replenish and nourish and strengthen your body and mind in order to support the body with its healing process and encounter less conflicts and therefore prevent unnecessary symptoms manifesting – but I will also utilise a powerful energy psychology modality to deeply re-wire the subconscious mind with the new empowering beliefs and insights presented throughout the modules of the course, so that this information won’t just be more information that goes in one ear and out the other, but will be actively internalized so that it can be much more easily embodied allowing for a much higher chance of tangible results.
I am able to offer you the chance to partner with a high-ticket affiliate marketing company where you buy some (or all) of this companies products to unlock your distributor ID and then can sell the products yourself to earn high commissions in their leveraged income model. These products are pricey, but they are high quality and they are ideal for turning your home into a sanctuary of wellbeing so that you can relax knowing that you have created an environment for yourself to take a whole load of the modern toxic stress off your body and mind. I don’t recommend many products at all – I am a firm believer that health does not come through consumerism or having all these sexy products that we supposedly need!
But I am a firm believer in making simple lasting modifications to our environment from a place of grounded self-love (rather than anxiety) - so that once it’s set up we can stop seeking out the next fad or supplement or gadget, and instead just know that we’ve created ourselves a little haven where we can then just focus on enjoying the beauty of life and rest assured that we don’t need to be perfect and that we are incredibly resilient beings, especially when we build that resilience with the vibration of faith and love, rather than weakening ourselves with fear and perfectionism.
Therefore these products not only lower toxins in our drinking and bathroom water, and harmonize EMFs, nourish our skin, and clear our indoor air – but they also come with the opportunity to earn the cost of them back and even make significant stable income that can even carry on as legacy wealth once certain ranks are reached
Imagine being able to be earning leveraged income as you sunbathe, travel, make love, cook with your children, sleep, explore the forest – anything, anywhere!? What if once you set your environment up with these products - you’re only health costs were eating quality wholefoods, using non-toxic body products, and replacing the filters in your water filters? What if you no longer had to fork out for supplements, medications, passive therapies, practitioner appointments, tests, exercise equipment, fitness accessories, gadgets, creams, remedies, etc because you were no longer on the hamster wheel of trying to chase the a way to treat your symptoms because you now understand that they are actually really your bodies healing and adaptation responses!?

We are currently transitioning into a Golden Age where free energy devices and various other advanced technology will remove the need to work for money to cover our living requirements such as a food and housing (a few hours of nourishing community service per week will be our future contribution). This advancement in consciousness and technology will also allow us to clean up the biosphere and shift our toxic modern practices back to nature aligned ways of being, but as the old paradigm collapses – I hope to provide access to a wave that we can ride to the other side, as well as guidance on how to come back into alignment with the truth of nature and Spirit. This is a swinging of the pendulum – where wealth is shifted over to heart-centred lightworkers and wayshowers, after eons of resources only lying in the hands of those who play dirty for their own selfish agendas, and the impacts of this shift are going to be profound!
Please subscribe if you wish to be notified of the launch of ‘Re-emerge’ so you can secure your place, and reach out if you wish to know more about this lucrative wellness aligned leveraged income opportunity. I would love to link arms with you as we all walk one another home to this Heaven on Earth which is getting closer and closer each and every day. This is how we manifest this change – together united as One.
I’d like to offer 50% off ‘Re-emerge’ for those who have already come on board to join my team, starting your own leveraged direct sales business - getting serious about making the big shifts that are going to get you to your wellness goals.

Meet Amelia (Amélie de la Liberté)
Optimal Health & Wellbeing Mindset & Transformation Coach
Amelia from Made of Stardust is an Optimal Health and Wellbeing Mindset and Transformation Coach, based in the Blue Mountains Australia but providing online sessions worldwide.
Amelia supports people to realize and liberate their innate healing abilities, self-sovereignty and self-mastery. Amelia facilitates alignment to True-Self, to Nature and to the Unified field of the Cosmos - for optimal wellbeing and health through powerful energy psychology subconscious re-wiring, fear and trauma release, mineral balancing and the medicine of truth, simplicity & ‘clear-seeing’. Amelia works as a conduit for the energy of dark goddess Kali, to strip away all the illusions, deceptions and limitations placed on us from the current paradigm and to liberate our magnificent souls so that we can express our highest state in all aspects of life and wellbeing, realizing that most of what we have been taught is required for health, healing and happiness was only a distraction from our own innate power.

I am a single mother living in the Blue Mountains in Australia - unschooling my 3 strange small humans. We live with a little cat, 4 chickens and the children’s father. I dream of replacing my ex with a little dairy cow, a donkey, a couple of small goats and tiny pigs, some non-aggressive geese, and some guinea fowls to scare off the goanna. And also of bulldozing the neighbours property to grow a field of tulips. But I am learning to settle for less...at least for now!

Discovering a new approach
(The unity consciousness paradigm)

My training was done through
Morley's ‘RCP Institute’
(previously the ‘Copernican Institute’) in 2019. I am a certified
Root Cause Protocol Consultant.
I grew up in a dysfunctional household with enormous generational trauma, and developed chronic fatigue before I’d even finished primary school. Then came the endometriosis, acne, dermatitis, adenomyosis, sleep paralysis, reoccurring UTIs, weight gain, anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, fainting, reflux, insomnia – and the merry-go-round of medications, side effects and doctor’s appointments. Everything about the conventional system felt off to me, but I had learnt not to listen or trust my inner voice, so I put my health in the hands of external authorities.
Just before my second pregnancy, I cried out in desperation that if I did not get more support from my husband that I would end up in hospital because the stress and burn out I was in was unsustainable. Then a few months later, at exactly 20 weeks pregnant I woke up to the most intense pain of my life. I was later diagnosed in ER with gallstones and acute pancreatitis. I was told that I should have zero units of this particular digestive enzyme in my blood, and that any more than 100 units per litre is an acute situation, but that mine was way up at 4000u/L, and that with each subsequent attack that number would grow. I was told people had died at levels much lower than mine, but that if it reached 20 000u/L I would be in ICU and if it got to 30 000U/L I would be dead.
Each hospital admission left me neglected – I was refused food and water, but never given IV fluids which was a critical treatment especially for a pregnant woman. With each attack I knew that my internal organs were shutting down. I would lose my vision and hearing and a guiding force would show me that the only way for me to survive was to connect to my breathe with 100% presence and focus and calm, and that I could follow it like walking a tightrope to the other side of each episode. I knew there was no room for error or distraction or panic. Something was shaken awake within me through this terrifying period of my life, and I just knew it was time to make a drastic change in my life and start listening to my intuition and make it the guiding compass in my life from now on, rather than looking outwards.
I had naturally never really been someone to follow the grain, but yet there were many ways in which I handed my power away to the opinions of others. But motherhood really brought out the ‘rebel with a cause’ within me as this strong instinct to protect and nourish these little cubs in a mad world was born. Along with that came the surfacing of deep witch wounds, but I was determined to keep uncovering my truth and following the Universes breadcrumbs along a path which became increasingly magical, painful, expansive, wild, stunning, bewildering, terrifying and mind-blowingly glorious.
One of the first eye-openers came when I was guided to the work of American researcher Morley Robbins who is a master synthesizer of peer-reviewed scientific literature, showing all the ways in which we have deviated
from mother nature and created an imbalance in our key mineral dynamics putting a constant
stress load of oxidative damage on our cells which chronically depletes us.
It was during my mineral metabolism training with Morley that I saw that the
natural alternative health model was just as destructive and misleading as
the conventional mainstream model, and that there was a lot of
unlearning to do on this planet if we want better health outcomes.
Through my training with Morley, I learnt more about the work of stem cell biologist Dr Bruce H. Lipton PhD. Dr Bruce Lipton explains the science of how cells receive and process information, showing that genes and DNA do not control our biology as we have been taught! DNA is actually controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Learning about how critically important it is to regulate the nervous system and re-wire the subconscious mind with empowered beliefs to replace the false and sabotaging programming acquired from life on this dysfunctional planet - I keenly attended training to learn the energy psychology modality recommended by Dr Bruce Lipton - PSYCH-K®. Learn more here.
I completed both Basic and Advanced Psych-K® training with Psych-K® Instructor Ian Spicer in 2020.

It was here I had a sudden and unexpected kundalini activation catalysed by meeting my own soul in another body (twin flame), and the following years have been a wild ride of transformation where I have experienced many of the lowest and darkest most painful experiences of what it is to be human, but this process has always been guided in the most extraordinary ways to keep me going and witnessing the ripening and awakening of my compassionate heart and higher awareness, as unity consciousness wakes up in my being. And Divine will has called to me, to step up as a guiding light beside others as they make their transition.
As my journey beyond the veil of illusion has continued, I discovered the work of the late, Dr Hamer, and his extraordinary and thorough mapping of the laws of biology and how these play out in every organ and tissue of the body, and I realized a whole new level reality about what the expression of symptoms really is and how misled we really are.

Combining the wisdom of these truths and observations that the Universe had guided me to and the complete perception and paradigm shift my own journey had brought about in my awareness, I began to create a comprehensive interactive online video course called ‘Re-emerge’ to bring the Unity Consciousness medicine paradigm shift to life. It is my intention to launch 'Re-emerge' this year. This transformational healing journey through the butterflies chrysalis is here to:
Bring this information to light so that awareness can naturally shift our approach and free us.
Guide people back to their own inner compass and realization of their innate healing abilities.
Allow people to understand what their symptoms are telling them about where they are stuck in their life.
Allow people to understand how intelligent their bodies actually are and how disease and symptoms are not something going wrong, not something to fear, not something to treat – but instead meaningful adaptations and healing processes to be worked with and supported to completion.
Provide a transformational journey through ancient wisdom and powerful energy psychology tools and processes to clear limiting programming of the illusion of separation that keeps us stuck in the inner conflict that creates emotional, mental and physical suffering.
Allow people to understand how to truly align to nature rather than trying to 'play God' and micromanage natural consequences in isolation which only creates more chaos and misalignment..
We are not just entering into a new paradigm of medicine, but a whole new level of consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with the entire web of life.
What health conditions can this approach support me with?
It can help with

Connective tissue
Joint, bone, skin, tooth, vein, organ, tendon, muscle integrity. Osteoporosis, stroke, cellulite, lupus, wound healing, scar tissue, fragility, etc..
Fatigue & Anemia
Low energy, dizziness, insomnia, brain fog, poor concentration, sensory processing disorder, poor memory, rapid heart rate, depression, lack of motivation, faintness...
Allergies & Intolerances
Food, seasonal, chemical and environmental allergies and sensitivities - Histamine & oxalate issues, dermatitis, hives, hayfever, and more...

Virtually every health condition on this planet...
Because this approach works at the root of understanding what produces all symptoms, there is no need to find a specialist. Each individual will have a completely unique personal healing path, but they will gain the awareness needed to enable them to find this path from within. This is all about full sovereignty over our own health and wellbeing.
Gut health
Leaky gut, eczema, weight gain, digestive problems, SIBO, depression, poor immune health, parasites, diarrhea. hormonal issues, candida...
Hashimoto thyroiditis, endometriosis, alopecia, celiac disease, MS, Type I diabetes, Graves disease, Reactive arthritis, Addison disease, lupus, Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis...
We no longer need to seek out complex and specialized ways to treat all these different conditions. Instead we can see the way they are all expressions of a unified intelligence, and learn to free ourselves from fearful messages of danger that come about when we experience ourselves and all things as separate and isolated, rather than unified and supported and powerful and safe.
The only medicine of the future is freedom, and there are many levels of freedom but the ultimately freedom is the freedom from the illusion of separation.
Richard Rudd (Gene keys)
What makes this approach different?
It may be helpful to take a look at the main approaches available.
Contact Info
Lower Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Sessions done in person or via Zoom (online video call)
0490 533 940
All prices in Australian Dollars and inclusive of GST.
Wellness products with Leveraged income opportunity
Build yourself a sanctuary of wellbeing & create passive income
A quick connection to help you see if our energy resonates.