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Can your approach really help with my specific condition?

Yes, but you are the only one who can do the work and make the shifts required to see different results to what you have been experiencing. I can help you understand the conflict underlying your symptoms (which is a healing and adaptation response that has been labelled as a specific condition) and provide tools and framework to resolve this conflict and to balance your minerals to support your body with more resources and less stress load in order to heal quicker and build foundational wellness. I believe in your capacity to heal - but do you?

Can I follow your approach if I'm vegan?

Yes. I am not here to tell you what to do - only you can find exactly what is right for you. I promote the importance of getting adequate saturated fat (only found From Animal Tissue - FAT), quality protein, retinol, and all the important symbiotic bioavailable nutrients found in a natural interconnected package via meat that is not possible to get via plant foods alone. Retinol for example is animal based vitamin A and it plays a crucial role in activating copper into it's bioavailable form (copper is the most important mineral in the body). Without the inclusion of critical nutrients/components only found in animal products certain important functions (such as creation of master antioxidant protein Ceruloplasmin) is biologically impaired, resulting in mineral dysfunction which will unfortunately most likely worsen with time. It is my philosophy that optimal wellbeing comes from a place of peace with the cycles of death and birth, loss and gain, endings and beginnings - and recognising how we fit into the interconnected web of life which includes a very natural food chain of which the predator and prey are all fractals of the same One Consciousness.

Perhaps in the future our bodily composition will shift in a way that our bodies no longer require animal flesh in order to function optimally, but I am not sure if that will occur in this Earthly realm as I believe that we came here specifically to experience duality and density.  And until we do see tangible shifts to a much lighter density, I believe that the current human body is designed to get critical nutrients in a balanced usable form which is only attainable through eating animals. Many years ago I was transported into the body of different animals being slaughtered, as well as human victims of shark attacks (experiencing death from both sides, human and animal) and I felt my own fear for the impending pain and taking of my life - and as soon as the blow hit - I was immediately shown how the soul exits the physical body to observe the death from above in a calm, non-judgemental, accepting way because the reality is that the soul cannot be harmed or killed and unless the soul has chosen to experience the death inside the body to gain the experience, it seems to opt to exit so there is no consciousness to experience the just plays out in the hologram and the soul lives on.

How many sessions will I need?

This is completely up to you. This approach is all about empowering you to take your health into your own hands. My sessions are designed to look deeply at what areas of your life are acting more like poison and transform these into medicine so that your life becomes a source of true wellness, but this requires a considerable unlearning and mindset shifting process. This is why I have created Re-emerge, to guide you right through this process with the transformational enhancement of PSYCH-K there to internalize new wisdom and get you on the path towards lasting change. The Re-emerge journey takes about 8 - 12 months to complete, but can be done at your own pace either through the subscription to the membership campus area (or the course material can be purchased for lifetime access, however live PSYCH-K sessions and Q&A/coaching sessions will only be accessible through the membership area - 12 months access is included in the cost of the course as a one-off lifetime purchase).

How much might it cost to achieve optimal health?

There is no reason for optimal health to cost more than what is manageable. Humans thrive in all kinds of conditions on Earth. Our mindset is the most important factor when it comes to our physical wellbeing, and we all have the power to cultivate a growth mindset, however the sabotaging programs that most of us have acquired from living here on this crazy place called Earth, often trap us in the echo chamber of unresourceful unconscious patterns, so the cost of not seeking support outside of the echo chamber can be much higher than the cost of support. So investing in our wellbeing will offer returns far greater than the initial outlay.

It is my hope to provide you with the tools and insight that will allow you to set yourself free from being an eternal consumer and patient. I believe that everything you need in the long-run to thrive is within you already - and that there is no need to be spending money on supplements, gadgets, exercise equipment, passive therapies, lab testing, practitioner appointments, and all the stuff that comes with trying to treat conditions and attain health through fear, separation consciousness and scarcity mindset. I believe the simpler the better when it comes to our wellbeing. First look at the filter of your mind and what signals your beliefs and perceptions might be sending you body, then as you delve into that life-long process, support your biology with wholesome real food, unfiltered daylight, nature, breathwork, sleep, movement (which doesn't require any special equipment), good company, and connection to your soul's sense of purpose. It is an act of self-love to create a low-tox living environment, but this does not require perfection nor high maintenance costs.

If you are dedicated to the simple things that matter this can mean huge savings on medication, supplements, medical appointments, passive therapies, medical bills and treatments, fad products, gadgets, & health insurance, as well as dropping all the headache & heartache that comes with health challenges. If you invest the money in your long term health and not in band aid solutions - You will be a bird set free! You can literally change your whole world.

Should I stop my medication and follow your natural approach and/or do Psych-K® instead?

This is completely up to you as the sovereign leader of your own life. Suddenly stopping medication can cause acute side effects so should be done under the support and guidance of a respectful health practitioner. Always seek medical attention in emergency situations.

Do you diagnose &/or treat health conditions?

No, I am never interested in diagnosing any particular condition nor treating it. My approach is to see beyond this paradigm because every symptoms is a healing and/or adaptation response - not something to be treated - only understood so it can be resolved in practical terms and/or most importantly from the level of the psyche which is sending the danger signal which is causing the tissue response. 
The PSYCH-K® process is also only strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. The PSYCH-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care. 


What Is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K® is a unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and behaviors that you would like to change. It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that sabotage your self-esteem, relationships, job performance and even your physical health! PSYCH-K® is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life!


How Did PSYCH-K® Come To Be?

PSYCH-K® was originated in 1988 by Robert M. Williams, M.A. It was a response to the frustration that came with the realization that typical counseling techniques, which rely almost exclusively on “insight” and “motivation,” seldom create real and lasting changes. Rob has spent 14 years developing and improving PSYCH-K®. His background in business and psychotherapy creates a results oriented approach to personal change. PSYCH-K® was inspired by a variety of processes, some contemporary and some ancient. It deals with the part of the mind called the subconscious, which is capable of creating dramatic and lasting changes quickly and easily.

How Does PSYCH-K® Work?

PSYCH-K® is a unique process evolving from years of split-brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive state of mind that dramatically reduces resistance to changing at the subconscious level. The subconscious mind can be accessed in a way similar to a personal computer. PSYCH-K® works like a “mental keyboard” – a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct and verifiable.

How Does PSYCH-K® Differ From Other Self-Help Modalities?

PSYCH-K® differs from other modalities in a variety of ways. While all modalities have value, there are important differences that make a difference. These differences are addressed in Chapter 7 of PSYCH-K®…The Missing Peace In Your Life.

What is a PSYCH-K® Balance?

A PSYCH-K® Balance is a technique designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the brain. This “whole-brain” state is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new positive beliefs that support your goals rather than sabotage them!


Why Haven’t I Heard Of PSYCH-K® Before?

Until 1997, Rob was the only person teaching PSYCH-K®. Now there’s a growing number of hand picked Certified Instructors personally trained by Rob Williams. In short, you’ll be hearing a lot more about PSYCH-K® in the future!

How Can PSYCH-K® Help Me?

Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. If your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conflict shows up in relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletics, weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health.

PSYCH-K® allows you to communicate directly with your Superconscious and subconscious minds. The spiritual foundation of PSYCH-K ensures that the changes you make are in your highest and best interest! When the safety and appropriateness of a contemplated change are confirmed, you change self-limiting subconscious beliefs into self-supporting ones. Unlike most other systems of personal change, PSYCH-K uses permission protocols to confirm the participation of your subconscious mind.

What is Muscle Testing?

Kinesiology is the study of movement, and in particular focuses on the relationship between the mind and body. It can identify the effects that external stimuli, such as chemical substances, food intolerances and thoughts have on our physical system. Such identification is achieved through muscle testing. Kinesiology – unlike other techniques, and through the use of muscle testing – allows the person’s body to indicate when a shift has happened. The power and decision in the session is not with the facilitator, it is with the client.

Muscle testing was discovered in America in 1964 by a man called George Goodheart D.C. and was primarily used by Chiropractic doctors. It is now used as an effective tool to communicate with the subconscious mind to identify limiting beliefs. The subconscious mind is responsible for controlling the autonomic nervous system and also our automatic physical and neurological functions. Therefore, when the brain receives a stimulus (such as a thought), it triggers an electrical circuit, which it sends to the body – the muscles and organs.

When we hold a stressful thought, or make a statement with which the subconscious mind disagrees, a confused message is sent to the brain, creating an electrical conflict. This conflict then leads to a weakened signal from the brain, through the nervous system, and ultimately to the muscles, causing a weakened muscle response when tested.

If you have any further questions, write to me at


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