Supporting you to create a vibrant life that is medicine to your mind, body and soul...

Build a sanctuary of health and wealth
The basic truth about our health is that our bodies are always healing and adapting. That is literally all they know.
The symptoms they express are meaningful tissue adaptations created to help us as an organism survive and get through any situation perceived to be a threat to our survival, and the clean up and healing process once this conflict is over and the tissue can go back to normal as the adapted tissue is no longer needed.
We need to create a life that supports us to handle stress better if we want to express less symptoms. This involves re-wiring the mind and nervous system to be aligned with authenticity, resilience, clarity and inner safety. It also involves aligning to the principles of Mother Nature so that our bodies can be sufficiently nourished, strong, vital and coherent. When we are in this state we are naturally more resilient and able to cope better emotionally with the unexpected challenges that arise on our path. Therefore we experience less tissue adaptations and less healing symptoms.
But how do we find the time and freedom to align to nature when the cost of living seems to require us to trade almost all of our time for money, often being stuck inside an building, disconnected from nature, and unable to rest and play and cultivate stillness and meaningful nourishing relationships? We are paying for this linear outdated form of income, through epic loss in our wellbeing and quality of life and soul fulfilment.
The cost of living under the slavery system enforced by a small handful of elites who use compounding interest to keep the entire planet trapped in their illusion, is so high that we are now seeing the loss and crumbling of the entire modern world from below our feet - because that way of living could never be sustainable. But as the world as we know it falls to pieces in order to make way for beautiful sustainable ways of living, new movements are forming in response to current needs.
There is a wave of businesses starting up with a leveraged income model, allowing people to come onboard through investing in quality wellness products and activating their own opportunity to join the team by creating their own direct sales business and unlocking increasingly high commission rates as more sales are made by the growing team. This is a wave we can ride over to the other side of this period of destruction and rebirth happening on our planet at the moment - and NOW is the time to jump on!

As an unconventional unschooling mother of 3, I have chosen to live with my ex while I get my soul work up and running and become financially independent without resorting to giving up all my values and returning to rat race and coercive corrupt system. This put a lot of pressure on my soul work to be my only form of income. I needed another solution and the Universe delivered.
I had never heard of this model, however I had heard of their main product and it did not seem to align to me. But the Universe made it clear that I drop my old storylines and step in and trust. And as I have done so, everything has come together and I see how perfectly aligned with my message so much of this company and business model is.
I do not believe we need products in order to thrive, in fact I actively speak out against seeking healing through anything external. I believe health should be simple and completely affordable and available to every human on this planet - and I believe it is. But we have been conditioned to think it needs to be complex and expensive...and always in the next sexy shiny product or gadget or passive therapy or remedy. But healing continues no matter what - until our very last breathe.
The problem is that stress depletes the resources our body needs to complete the healing process and therefore can slow things right down and keep us in a chronically interrupted cycle. Therefore my work involves teaching people how they can truly align to nature (and that actually involves stopping many interventions that we have been made to believe are natural) in order to put our bodies in the best position to complete healing at optimal speed, and then prevent unnecessary symptoms in the future.
So this business opportunity came into my world sparkling with synchronicities and cosmic nudges, and I realized that it killed two or even three birds with one stone in terms of creating an opportunity to create a life of true wellness, freedom and authenticity. The products are high quality solutions to significantly lower the modern toxin load, so that you can turn your home into a sanctuary of wellbeing as an intelligent and wise act of self-love, with filtered drinking and bathroom water, filtered air, harmonized EMR/dirty electricity, and oxidative stress lowering turmeric products such as luxurious soap and tea.
With this opportunity you can buy the products to set your main environment up to support your vitality by removing a whole lot of the toxic load off your system, and then you can just get on with enjoying your life because you know that you have created a foundational haven of lowered stress load to support your healing and then stop worrying about it. In my approach I really generally recommend against almost all products, as most of them actually get in the way of healing. But there are a number of basic things I see as an intelligent way to modify your primary environment to make it a cleaner more nourishing space to live in. And other than that I basically just recommend keeping your health as simple as possible, which actually reduces costs tremendously. This was we invest where it is actually going to be worth it, and we save in all these other areas that were not only costing unnecessary money, but also unnecessary stress, complication, effort, time, focus - and actually to the detriment, rather than improvement of our wellbeing. I cover all of this in my course 'Re-emerge', so you can see all the gimmicks exposed for what they are and just drop such a heavy weight of unnecessary complication.
And so not only does investing in these foundational quality wellness products for your home free you up to just relax in a purified supportive environment - but you can actually unlock your own distributor ID and start to sell these products yourself and build passive income - freeing up your time to cultivate your wellness and really make your life your medicine. This is all about stepping up into your free authentic self as you inspire others to do the same.
Get in touch is you want to learn more about this incredible business and wellness opportunity! I'd love to welcome you to my team if this model resonates...
Write to amelia@madeofstardust.com.au